Monday, February 14, 2011

90 Gluttony

Genre: Drama
Characters:  Cian
Prompt: 90. Gluttony
Word Count: 362
Rating: PG
Type: series
Summary: Cian force feeds herself and over does it
Warnings:  none really.
       Two days later...

The smell of burgers, onions, and melted cheese filled the room and irritated Cian’s stomach. With everything going on inside her head, the stress, and sad reality of being forced to marry Ramone, she’d lost the desire to eat and it was beginning to take a toll on her. She was tired. Lacking the energy to stand up on her own two feet for more than 20 minutes and even snatch her hair out of that bun and into something that didn’t make her face look so fat. 

She frowned upon the food, determined to make up for the days she went without. Leaning forward, she spooned a small portion of ice cream into her mouth, moaning as she chewed a chunk of cookie dough. It was sweet, creamy, a welcomed pleasure she’d been in need of for much too long. She missed chewing, missed the satisfied feeling of full. In a rush to get to that point, she began shoving handfuls of food in her mouth, mixing everything in her hands before she chewed it harshly and swallowed. 

Out of nowhere her stomach pumped, sending the food back up her throat, filling her cheeks. Cian shut her eyes as tight as she could, forced it back down as it found its way back up. She swallowed hard once again, turning her face up to the ceiling to brush back the tears brought on by the force of her stomach.

 A sour taste of grease and salt combined with stomach acid lingered on her tongue, threatening to make her stomach lurch again. After a few deep breaths, she kept it down, feeling the need to shove more into her mouth but unable to force herself to repeat the process. This was exhausting. She was exhausted. Each day brought about something different but it always resulted in discomfort. Her head was still hurting, her stomach pangs unbearable, and both her body and soul ached. Ached from the verbal and physical abuses she endured for only staring at a picture of Wilson she had taken while they were away, ached for Wilson's smile and touch, ached for Wilson all together. 

We should have stayed on the island. She thought, breaking out into tears and crying harder than ever before. She’d been doing a lot of that too, crying over every little thing she encountered. Ramone stood on the other side of the room, watching the scene unfold with a smirk on his face, “Sick or not, you’ll give me what I want tonight.” 


Jillyson said...

My heart aches for Cian. Someone is going to have to help her, because she just isn't able to help herself. Two days since Renee found out Ramone's plan, and no one is busting down that door?
Renee, PLEASE call WIlson!

Anonymous said...

It's sounding like she and Renee might be in the same boat. Or maybe, I'm just reading too much into it hahaha. Ramone disgusts me right now and that's all I say for fear of unleashing my inner crazy.

DaijahV said...

Son of a bitch! ARGH! Sick or not? WTF WHY!?! I thought she kept him sane now he is abusing her when she was his stability? FUCK THIS MONKEY IN THE ASS WITH A PLUNGER HANDLE RAW!!!!I want him to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DaijahV said...

Come on Street, let the crazy flow! I'm never afraid to LOL

Valpre said...

WHOA! Love the pics and the CC. And great use of the prompt word. I can't believe how far this madness has gone. Somebody please break down Ramone's door and kill the mutherfucker.

I can't bear to watch Cian suffer so much. This is insane, but if Ramone ever pleads temporary insanity or something along those lines I will hunt him down and hang his balls for the whole sim community to see. I hate him more with each prompt.

Aussie Karima said...

~ Sorry I'm LMAO at the above posts! Not at the prompt!Gluttony!

~ Is he forcing her to eat that!
~ He indeed is a SOB!!!!!
~ If he goes down his mother should too for keeping his secret!

Pixx08 said...

OMG Psycho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why doesn't Cian stab him in the heart while he's sleeping!?! Wow, I actually teared up, poor Cian *sniff*