Sunday, February 20, 2011


Genre: Drama
Characters:  Wilson, Cian, Ramone
Prompt: 66. Rain
Word Count: 467 ish
Rating: M
Type: series
Summary: Ramone and Wilson have it out
Warnings: Language, violence
** Sucky photoshoped rain. Sucky writing.

With each step, small drops of rain grew bigger, accumulated at their feet into giant reflective pools of water and ice. “Wilson,” Ramone’s voice chilled them, rang out in a sing-song tone, “how nice of you to grace us with you presence but if it’s all the same to you,” Ramone took a step down and placed his hands neatly behind his back, “I’ll take my fiancée back now.”  Furious blows from the frigid wind shook the surrounding trees; branches scrapped against the brick building snapped and fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Wilson pushed Cian behind him, whispering for Cian to get in the car. “Come near her again, Ramone, and I will kill you!”  
A thunderous laugh ripped from his throat. A sinister, demented laugh that raised the fine hairs on the back of Cian’s neck as she froze behind Wilson. “You don’t have it in you, mi amigo.” He took several more steps toward them, “To kill requires finesse, passion, balls that we both know you do not have. Now if you please,” He held his hand out, “Cian and I have guests attend to.” 

Cian gripped Wilson's arm tighter. A loud boom in the distance communicated the severity of the approaching storm. 

Cian turned her head toward the sound, fear welling up inside of her, her hand held the back of Wilson’s jacket tighter.
“Get out of here Cian!” He yelled turning slightly to push her towards the car with his attention focused on Ramone. “Not without you!” She tearfully mumbled through a shaky voice re-adjusting her hold on his arm.

Debris, dirt, thin branches, and leaves carried by the wind swirled around them, the sky released heavier drops of rains. “By the way, thank you for breaking her in! Popping cherries isn’t my thing although I’d love to have had the pleasure of splitting her open and making her cry!” He switched to a new tactic.
Wilson’s jaw clenched, his finger nails dug deep into the palms of his hands. He took a step forward; Cian’s grip on the back of his shirt kept him form lunging at Ramone, ending his life right there on those stairs.
“Please Will,” She begged, “Let’s just go!” Her tears were endless her body trembling.
 “Begging. You must show him more of the tricks I taught you!” He laughed again, enjoying the rise he was getting out of Wilson, the rage overshadowing Cian’s presence behind him. 

“I had her pretty little ass so many ways and she took it like a champion! Too bad she only cried when I choked her…her cries are a turn on.”
Thunder roared above them, the sky opened up with a blinding strike of lightening. 

Wilson pushed Cian away from him, sending her to the ground as he rushed toward Ramone with a crippling punch that connected with extreme force. The storm had arrived.


Valpre said...

I hope Wilson does more than just punch him. Please let him do some serious damage on Ramone, but let him live so he can go to prison where he belongs and be someone's bitch for a change!

DaijahV said...

Get him Will! OMG Ramone is just sooo fucking harsh! He so needs to get that virgin ass raped in prison and see how much he enjoys the pain!

Anonymous said...

FINALLY! the long awaited hit ive been waiting for! ramone need to seek Jesus

holleyberry said...

Yes! Yes! Yes!
I seem to be saying that a lot.
Fuck him up Will! But i agree with Val, I like my idea of him not dying and being someone's BITCH!